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Baidu is exactly what all of this is about, working super hard to drive all innovations. Here is a quick introduction of the company:
For all of you, it’s simple—Baidu essentially is the Google of China. Because of such a heritage, just like Google, Baidu is clearly the leading AI company in China, as the best AI technology, the overall best talent, and the vast amount of data assets are coming from the leading suite of online services.


Baidu’s AI is also developing at a very, very fast pace. Baidu is among the very first to create a deep learning institute in 2013. We created a Silicon Valley lab, Baidu Research, in 2014. In 2015, we launched the first DuerOS version, which is a conversational AI platform. In 2016, Baidu debuted the self-driving car technology and also the Baidu Brain AI platform. In 2017, we pivotally tied the company towards AI with a series of new AI engines, especially the launch of the Apollo autonomous driving platform.

百度的AI也在以非常、非常快的速度发展。百度在2013年率先创建了一个深度学习研究院。我们2014年在硅谷创建了一个实验室,叫做Baidu Research。2015年,我们发布了第一个版本的DuerOS,它是一个对话AI平台。2016年,百度发布了自动驾驶汽车技术和百度大脑AI技术平台。2017年,我们通过一系列新的AI创新引擎,尤其是Apollo自动驾驶平台的发布,确定了公司的AI发展方向。

Going forward, Baidu is an AI company. AI is at the center of driving everything we do at Baidu. To begin with, we use AI to transform and renovate Baidu’s current core businesses—search, personalized feed in Mobile Baidu, and also video entertainment in IQIYI. For those of you, IQIYI is essentially the Netflix of China and much more.


In addition, we are gonna build a number of new AI-enabled businesses, especially Apollo for autonomous driving and DuerOS for conversational AI. These are huge business opportunities for Baidu to grow into. They will also fully leverage Baidu’s core competency and assets. And all those are built on top of the common technology platforms of Baidu Brain and Baidu Intelligent Cloud. Baidu Brain is clearly the most complete AI platform in China. As the low level infrastructure, over the years, Baidu has developed first-class cloud infrastructures and strong data assets and data processing capabilities.


In other parts of AI competition, Baidu is very strong in AI algorithms, and we have powerful AI platforms for deep learning on both car side and on devices. Baidu Brain is also the first platform to clearly separate the perceptual layer and the cognitive layer. Both of them offer very comprehensive capabilities for all sorts of applications. Putting all together, Baidu Brain is a potent platform that is fueling massive innovations at Baidu and also for all other car innovations at our partners. That’s why as a result Baidu Brain today is already the most vibrant AI platform in China. Our third-party developer is growing very, very rapidly. The daily call volume to the platform is skyrocketing. And at the same time, the number of applications, the variety, all different types of AI innovation simply is growing at a massive scale and a rapid pace.

Third-party applications simply are promising. And this is very symbiotic between Baidu and the “China+ AI” macro-environment, because with more third-party innovations, it helps strengthen the platform. At the same time, a stronger platform will drive more, and accelerate the pace, of AI productization and AI commercialization for the core AI-enabled businesses for Baidu.

第三方应用很有前景,这是百度与“China+ AI”宏观环境之间非常密切的共生关系,因为通过更多第三方创新,它可帮助增强这一平台。与此同时,一个更强大的平台也将有助于推动更多AI创新,加快百度核心AI业务的产品化速度和商业化速度。

This is the main part of today’s presentation, which is to unveil the new AI platforms and showcase new AI products, specifically Apollo for autonomous driving and DuerOS for conversational platforms. And our fundamental approach for those is through open APIs and open platforms to build innovation ecosystems together to accelerate the pace of innovation.

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